Post Majorca holiday, my next wedding took me overseas again (albeit not quite so far away as the Balearic’s) to the beautiful Isle of Arran for Saoirse & Kenny’s wedding day. Now I would never risk such an epic journey on the morning of the wedding so an overnight stay was the order of the day for me this time around, so back to the Belevedere B&B again for the second time in as many years :-).
The exact location was the Douglas Hotel in Brodick, just a stones throw away from where I was staying but, first up, a short walk up to the Church of the Holy Cross for the ceremony, probably one of the smallest churches I’ve ever shot in – but, big shout out to the priest, who was more than happy to let me up onto the altar to make sure I got my shots…not something I come across very often as usually it’s a “no go” area.
With no travelling from one place to another needed, it gave us plenty of time for a very relaxed bride & groom shoot in and around the hotel, even catching the Calmac ferry in the background just leaving port :-).