Tag Archives: jennifer & Brian

Wedding Photography at The Vu ///Jennifer & Brian

My penultimate wedding of 2016 saw me on my one and only visit of the year to The Vu, which in itself is quite remarkable! The Vu is probably the venue at which I’ve shot most weddings and I reckon I average about 5 or 6 per year…indeed, in 2015 I was there no less than eight times, so I think it’s fair to say that I know my way around by now.

Being just a few days before Christmas and with the ceremony not due until 3.30pm, I knew that we’d be racing the clock a touch to ensure we got down on to the jetty for Jennifer & Brian’s couple shoot, while there was still enough (or at least a bit of light) in the sky. What I wasn’t prepared for, and a very welcome surprise, was the gorgeous red sky sunset that we were treated to…probably one of the best that I’ve ever seen at The Vu :-).

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