Onwards today with blogging some new weddings, although when I say “new”, I mean “new” to the blog, but hardly “new”, as in I only shot the wedding recently – if only…but I am trying hard to get the blogging more up to date. But hey, it matters not too much when they’re all fabulous weddings to share with you and today, I’m totally delighted to be featuring another cracker…Kara & Louis’ big day at The Caves in Edinburgh’s Old Town.
For anyone that’s never been to The Caves, let me tell you that it is a truly unique venue, built as it is around some of the many caves that run through this part of town…but I guess the clue’s in the title LOL.
Whilst being very unique, The Caves is actually a tricky place to shoot – it’s dark (as you would expect) which requires for the most part using my own lighting to make sure that we can see everyone but…on the flip side, you don’t want to be going and lighting it up like Blackpool Illuminations, as it’s important to keep the dark ambience, so it’s very much a balancing act!