So here we are again guys back at work and back on the old blog again and, first up, a (belated) Happy New Year to you all :-).
January & February are traditionally my quietest months for weddings and this year’s no different, as I only have three weddings to shoot across both those months, with strangely, two of those coming back to back this very weekend! Being a bit quieter does give me the chance to finish off editing all the fabulous weddings I shot over Xmas and also to catch up on the blog a wee bit and feature more amazing weddings from last year, and I’m very pleased to be doing that just now.
Laura & Stephen’s big day back in April was to be my 10th of 63 weddings last year, making this my second busiest year since I started up 11 years ago now – second only to that crazy year back in 2013 when I booked just about anyone who wanted me, ending up with 70+! These days, I’m a little bit more conservative with how many weddings I take on :-).