Tag Archives: mike’s muse

Mike’s Muse:
At The Wrath Of The Chefs!

I think it was Fairport Convention back in the late 60’s who recorded a song called “Who Knows Where The Time Goes?”. Whilst I think it’s safe to assume that they weren’t singing about wedding photography, the title does hold very true for a wedding day. When I meet couples, one of the most often...

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    Mike’s Muse:
    Why Is Wedding Photography So Expensive?

    Aah, the old chestnut! I came across a short little video this week by fellow wedding photographer Magnus Bogucki and it got me thinking to write a little piece for the “muse”. By the way, here’s the video here if you want to take a quick look but please do read on afterwards for my...

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    • GabriellaFebruary 24, 2012 - 5:34 pm

      I completely agree with you Mike. Sometimes folks forget the things that go into making great memorable photos. It’s not just standing around pointing and shooting.ReplyCancel

    • MikeFebruary 24, 2012 - 7:53 pm

      Yeah, I certainly agree with that although I would add that the images taken on the day are still of paramount importance, as no end of editing at the post processing stage will make a bad photo any better – it will just end up being an “edited” bad photo! However, you can certainly make good photos better by spending a bit of time working on them after the event and this, as they say, is where the bulk of the time goes.ReplyCancel

    • HamishFebruary 28, 2012 - 10:07 pm

      Great post. You should have mentioned all of the equipment too, plus insurance, office supplies, printers, computer equipment/software! Probably loads of other things I can’t remember off the top of my head. That’s before you even talk about how good someone might be!ReplyCancel

    • MikeFebruary 29, 2012 - 9:05 am

      You’re right Hamish and this is the real difference between a full time pro (who will naturally charge higher) and a part timer who might do a wedding for you for about £300. As pros, we need to make sure that we keep up to date with all the latest equipment and software and part of the package fee, as you point out, needs to be allocated towards that – it’s all for the client’s benefit at the end of the day.ReplyCancel

    Mike’s Muse:
    Licence To Shoot

    This week, I was drawn into a debate on one of the wedding forums about whether or not prospective couples should choose a photographer who is qualified over and above one who is not. Now, whilst that may sound like stating the obvious, please do read on as there’s more to it than that. To...

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      Add : 25 Lavery Avenue, Larbert, Stirlingshire FK5 4GF

      Tel : 01324 557977

      Mob : 07824 380674

      Email : mike@mcookphotography.co.uk

      Office Hours :

      Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 3.00pm

      Monday & Wednesday - 8.30pm to 10.00pm (meetings only, no phone calls please)