In my eight years or so now of business, and having shot over 350 weddings, I can honestly say with some degree of confidence that I have never, and I mean “never ever”, encountered such horrific weather conditions that we were confronted with just before Christmas last year for Jade & Greg’s big day at The Vu! We’re talking rain, horizontal rain even, strong winds and freezing cold temperatures – couple this with the fact that it was pretty dark as well post ceremony, and you get the gist…well I guess the images below tell their own story.
I’ve shot at The Vu many many times now and, of course, it’s the iconic shot out on the jetty that most couples really want. So, given the conditions, fair play to the guys for even heading out there, as I know from experience that a fair few wouldn’t, even though ultimately we were beaten by the weather, and retreated pretty quickly after just a few shots!!! I never usually worry about my lighting stands being blown into the water but this day…wow!
To this day though, I’ve never seen bad weather totally ruin a wedding day and this was certainly no different :-).