Tag Archives: the vu

Living With The Lockdown : Week 1

So these are strange times just now guys, I’ve honestly known nothing like it before and, when the dust settles, let’s hope we never see the like again. As you would expect, with weddings not currently permitted, I have a wee bit of time on my hands … if there is such a thing with the kids not being at school that is LOL. So, I thought I’d dust off the old laptop, and just share my thoughts on a few things … mainly wedding related, but not always, just to keep you guys in the loop!

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    “The Vu” Wedding : Terri & Sean

    So guys, as I type this, we’re now effectively in “lockdown” with this Coronavirus thing … can’t go out (except for essentials) and can’t go to work, which for me means absolutely no weddings at this moment in time … my last week seems to have been nothing but trying to rearrange dates with couples, and, sadly, not always succesfully. All that aside though, I am still working, doing what I can by way of album designs and this, posting to the blog more of the fabulous weddings I shot last year, including this, Terri & Sean’s amazing day at The Vu last September :-).

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      The Vu Wedding : Natalie & Ryan

      So guys, after a couple of weeks away to recharge the old batteries and all that :-), I’m back this week and, amongst many many other things, like shooting new weddings, I’m picking up with blogging all my previous weddings, and today I’m delighted to be sharing my very last wedding from last year on the very last but one day of the year…

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        Wedding Photography at The Vu : Laura & Dean

        For those of you that follow my blog regularly (you know who you are :-)), then you’ll recall that in my last post I was going on about how much of a lottery March weddings can be in terms of the weather, with my last wedding before this being very wet and windy. Well, jump ahead a week or two, look below and you’ll see exactly what we got for Laura & Dean’s big day at The Vu…glorious sunshine and, from recollection, not too chilly either – what is it they say about March…”comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”…spot on!

        To say I’ve shot quite a few weddings at The Vu would kind of be an understatement – in fact, last year I was there eight times and the year before at least six, perhaps even seven. So, strange that it was then that this year Laura & Dean’s day was in fact my only visit there to date, although I am back again for my very last wedding of the year on the 30th December – funny how things go sometimes!

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          Wedding Photography at The VuJade & Greg

          In my eight years or so now of business, and having shot over 350 weddings, I can honestly say with some degree of confidence that I have never, and I mean “never ever”, encountered such horrific weather conditions that we were confronted with just before Christmas last year for Jade & Greg’s big day at The Vu! We’re talking rain, horizontal rain even, strong winds and freezing cold temperatures – couple this with the fact that it was pretty dark as well post ceremony, and you get the gist…well I guess the images below tell their own story.

          I’ve shot at The Vu many many times now and, of course, it’s the iconic shot out on the jetty that most couples really want. So, given the conditions, fair play to the guys for even heading out there, as I know from experience that a fair few wouldn’t, even though ultimately we were beaten by the weather, and retreated pretty quickly after just a few shots!!! I never usually worry about my lighting stands being blown into the water but this day…wow!

          To this day though, I’ve never seen bad weather totally ruin a wedding day and this was certainly no different :-).

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