Mini Portrait Session:
14th April 2013, Callendar Park, Falkirk

Today, I’m launching the first of what I hope will be many “mini portrait sessions”. The first of these is to be held at Callendar Park in Falkirk on Sunday 14th April, but I’ll be looking to hold more around and about the central belt in months to come. So, if you’re looking for a family portrait, pictures of the kids or simply some great shots for yourself, without spending all day long getting them, this could be the thing for you. Here’s a little Q&A to provide more details.

What are “mini” portrait sessions?

Mini portrait sessions are a “cut down” version of my popular “Lifestyle Shoot” and will take place outdoors to create a very natural look to your images, without the constraints of a studio environment – great for kids as you can just let them run around and do their thing.

Are these sessions just for families?

Not at all; although they are mostly popular with families, if you want some great shots of you as a couple (or even on your own), then I would love to do that for you.

How long will the session last?

30 minutes maximum – there are six slots available on the day; 10am, 11am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm and 3pm.

What do I wear?

Anything goes and, to a large part, may well be dictated by the weather on the day. I always say “wear what you’re comfortable in”, although maybe a “onesie” may not be quite the look you’re going for :-).

What if it rains on the day?

A little light rain hurt no-one, and umbrellas look great in images, so bring one along. If it’s torrential rain, we can either re-schedule or I’ll give you a refund.

How much does the session cost?

The fee for the session is £35.

How many pictures will I get to choose from?

Typically, from a 30 minute session, there will be around 25 images to choose from.

Will I receive any images as part of the package?

Yes, you can pick one picture that I will provide as a high resolution image on disk for you. This comes with a licence to enable you to print or share the image as appropriate. You can also pick 4 other pictures that I will provide for you “web enabled”, so that you can share on Facebook, Twitter etc – these will have my logo on them to protect copyright.

How can we view our pictures after the session?

All your pictures will be uploaded to a personal online gallery for you to view – this will be password protected so that only you and no-one else can view them.

If I want to purchase any more images, can I do so?

Of course; a range of prints (framed and unframed) plus other display products, can be purchased direct from the online gallery.

Is there a minimum spend required?

No, not at all, you just purchase what you like. However, you will be supplied with a voucher code to receive a 10% discount if your order is £50 or more.

How do I book a session?

Simply contact me to check for availability and to get the ball rolling.

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