Glasgow Portrait Photography:
Kara & Graeme’s Pre-Wedding Shoot at Glasgow University

Guys, I am seriously well behind with my blogging; feels like I haven’t put up a new post in ages but I guess that’s what happens when we’re slap bang in the middle of a busy wedding season with all the editing, album design and, lest we forget, the weddings themselves to shoot, I guess blogging has to take a back seat for a while. Anyway, enough moaning Mike, just get on with it…so, here we go…

Today, I’m very pleased to share with you some images from Kara & Graeme’s pre-wedding shoot at Glasgow University. We did the shoot a few weeks ago and, if memory serves me well, it was a bit wet that day so good choice for Glasgow Uni for the shoot as we can use the cover of the cloisters area for a number of the shots and then venture outside if the rain held off. And, that’s pretty much the way it panned out. I love shooting here, the architecture around the place is amazing to work with and I always make sure I get in my obligatory back-lit shot in the cloisters…very dramatic!

As usual, a big shout out to Kara & Graeme for throwing themselves into this and going along with my ideas. Here’s just a few of my own favourites. The full set can be found in your online gallery.

Please all feel free to leave a comment or two at the bottom of the post as it’s always very much appreciated. And, what would be really great, is a “Like” on my Facebook page as it’s always fantastic to get new people on board.


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