Tag Archives: ashleigh & gary

Wedding Photography at the Lynnhurst Hotel ///Ashleigh & Gary

Another wedding from the end of last year today folks, and I’m now into December which is usually quite a popular month for weddings…indeed, I got married myself in December – I guess the appeal of Christmas weddings and snow and stuff like that just adds that extra dimension to what is already going to be a fabulous day :-).

My first wedding of four in the month took me back to a venue that I’ve shot at quite a few times now, the Lynnhurst Hotel in Johnstone. Not sure why I’ve done so many weddings here, as it’s not exactly on my doorstep but I guess, in this day and age, with the power of the web and all that, once you shoot a wedding at a venue and blog it, then other couples find you by searching..and from there it snowballs!

Ashleigh and Gary’s big day was one of those beautiful crisp late autumn days, but freezing cold with it but fair play to the guys for not only getting outside, as is usual, during the day, but also after dinner in the dark..and let me tell you, the temperature had plummeted by then….brrr! I hope you agree though that the pictures were worth it :-).

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  • Ann CostelloFebruary 23, 2017 - 5:54 pm

    Absolutely stunnig photograpy ReplyCancel

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