Tag Archives: emma & andrew

Portrait Photographer Edinburgh:
Emma & Andrew’s Pre-Wedding Shoot at Dalhousie Castle

And so I continue with my ongoing quest to catch up with all my blogging backlog and, believe me, there’s plenty of it. So, welcome to another week folks and, was just thinking, this time next week I will have had another two weddings under my belt, one of which being Emma & Andrew’s day at Dalhousie Castle. So, it seems only right therefore that I should feature a few pics from their pre-wedding shoot a few weeks ago, also at Dalhousie Castle, before we hit the big day.

As is sometimes the case with couples that live just that little bit further afield, I’d not actually met the guys prior to the pre-wedding shoot, so, in many ways, the opportunity to do the shoot killed two birds with one stone; firstly, we get to meet up before the wedding day and, secondly, it gave us a chance to try out a few things, see what worked and what didn’t, and that’ll all be a big help come the day itself. I know I know I sound like a parrot when I keep saying that but, trust me guys, I don’t know of any couple that I’ve photographed before that hasn’t said that the pre-wedding shoot had been of real benefit come the wedding day!

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  • Lynn PattersonOctober 29, 2013 - 9:21 pm

    Really lovely!!ReplyCancel

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