Just sitting here this afternoon doing a few bits and pieces and it occurred to me that it’s been absolutely ages since I put any new wedding album designs up on the blog – it’s not like there hasn’t been anything new to show you; our UPS courier might as well camp at our house with the number of new albums that have been delivered lately from either Italy or New Zealand. So, to put that right…here’s the proofs from Gillian and Paul’s album from their fantastic wedding at the Lynnhurst Hotel, Johnstone back in May.
The guys went for one of the amazing 14″ x 10″ Graphistudio albums with the popular “crystal glance” cover and, as a wee bonus, the lab are giving out 30 “mignon” books with all albums up until December – tiny 6cm x 4cm copies of the main album – very cute! If you would like to see more images from the original blog post, then just click here. Meantime, here’s their album…
win a portrait shoot
If you like these images, please do leave a comment or two at the bottom of the post as it’s always very much appreciated. Plus, what would be really fantastic, is a “Like” on my Facebook page as it’s always great to get new people on board. And, for all those that “Like” my page, you’ll be entered into a monthly draw to win a free portrait session plus a 12″ x 8″ framed print (worth £145), so good luck.