Well people, wonders will never cease, two posts to the old blog on the same day; well, it might be the same day if I can get this posted before the clock ticks midnight! If not, well, I’ll either turn into a pumpkin or, rather mischievously, the internal clock will show this as a post on the 12th July which, technically I guess it will be but of course it won’t then reflect my blogging marathon this evening. Perhaps if I stopped waffling, I might have a fighting chance of beating the clock.
So guys, today I’m delighted to be sharing some images from Caroline & George’s wedding at The Three Kings in Falkirk back at the beginning of June (told you I ws a bit behind with blogging). I’ve photographed at The Three Kings a couple of times before and, every time I’ve been there, the atmosphere on the day has been amazing and that’s no exception today either. After a brief stop at the house for some bridal prep shots, the first thing that strikes me on arrive at the venue is the number of guys in the same kilts! Usually, you’ll find the groom, best man, ushers and fathers wearing the same attire but today, crikey, there must be about 40+ all the same – looks great in the image below.
Stunning. X
Fab! Jx
Lovely xx
Beauitful xx
Absolutely beautiful take on the day and as for the pictures stunning great work Mike.
Pictures are beautiful George /Caroline xxx.
Thanks all for your comments – it’s always very much appreciated and I’m pleased you like the images :-).