Category Archives: Weddings

“Gleneagles” Wedding / Kim & Malcolm

A few years ago, I made the decision to cut down the number of weddings I shoot in December; family time, Xmas and all that, but I still do a few and, this December just gone, I had two fabulous days to shoot, one of which took me up the road to Gleneagles for Kim & Malcolm’s big day!

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  • Maria MurphyFebruary 9, 2025 - 9:24 am

    It was an amazing day, the pictures are captured perfectly. ReplyCancel

Top 10 in the World … Thank You Guys!

So at the end of last week guys, I had some amazing news! Some of you may know that I regularly submit a selection of my pictures into competitions and, with one of the organisations I submit to, the Wedding Photojournalist Association (or WPJA as they are more commonly known), I’ve only gone and finished 10th in the World in their Artistic Guild category!!! Here I am in some very esteemed company for those that want a look.

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    “Bo’ness Town Hall” Wedding / Gemma & Martin

    Come November, I am always on the run-in and wind down towards the end of the year’s weddings and last year was no exception, with just the one wedding for me that month, but what a brilliant day it was shooting Gemma & Martin’s big day at Bo’ness Town Hall.

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      “Park Hotel Peebles” Wedding / Margaret & Neil

      OK good people, time to share with you another of the fabulous weddings I shot last year and today, I’m delighted to be featuring Margaret & Neil’s big day at the Park Hotel in Peebles that I shot back in October. This was my last wedding of a pretty hectic post summer schedule before I had a few cheeky days away in sunny Kos prior to the final run in for the year.

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        “Norton House” Wedding / Caroline & Kevin

        Yay guys, back in the office this week after the Xmas and New Year break so let me first wish you all a Happy New Year, albeit slightly belated I know!

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