Category Archives: Weddings

“Duntarvie Castle” Wedding : Tania & Kenny

Honestly guys, by some modern day miracle, I continue to be bang up to date with blogging, and long may it continue as I hurtle through my busiest period of the year – weddings every weekend (sometimes two) for the past five weeks and the next five upcoming too – boy, I’ll need that holiday come mid October.

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    “Arta” Wedding : Diya & Paul

    So guys, a few weeks ago then, I was out and about on another wedding “double header” weekend, and it kicked off with a trip into Glasgow’s Merchant City, to shoot Diya & Paul’s big day at the very unique venue that is Arta, where I’ve been a few times now.

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      “Boclair House” Wedding : Heaven & Scott

      Boclair House is fast becoming like a second home for me. In fact, over the past couple of years, I’ve easily shot there more than anywhere else … and that really is a good thing folks! So, backtrack just a few weeks then to my latest Boclair adventure when I was honoured to be out and about shooting Heaven & Scott’s big day.

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        “Stow” Wedding : Leah & George

        It’s only been a few weeks since I was down in the Borders, Stow to be exact, to shoot Leah & George’s big day. But, so keen am I to share this fabulous day with you good people, that I’ve cleared the decks to bring it to you here on the blog today :-). And, of course, I hope you like!

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          “Rutherglen Town Hall” Wedding : Mary & Martin

          Well it’s been a stuttering few weeks guys, what with the school summer holidays and getting away for a bit of a holiday too – actually getting to do some work has been sporadic to say the least, taking the chance whenever I can – it’s the same every year though with having kids of a school age kicking around your feet for weeks on end. But hey guys, silver linings and all that – the schools are back this week 🙂 and so am I – full throttle now for the next few months.

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