Bathgate Wedding Photography:
Marie + Thomas at The Vu

Glorious day today outside as I type this – far too nice to be indoors but needs must guys. In fact, this fantastic weather we’re having lately takes me back to Marie & Thomas’ wedding at The Vu in Bathgate just over a month ago as, for me, that was the first weekend I can recall when we had what I call “wedding weather”. Every wedding this year up to that point had either been overcast, drizzly or a bit chilly. But, the 8th June was a bit of a sizzler…so much so that I returned home with my customary burnt forehead!

And, if that wasn’t good enough, when I arrived at Marie’s parents house for the bridal prep shots, wouldn’t you know it, but the girls are ahead of schedule getting ready and, trust me, you won’t believe what a difference this makes. Before the wedding day, I always make a point of stressing how important it is for the girls to be ready in good time so that we can get those all important bridal shots pre-ceremony and also so that I can head off to the venue and make sure I also get some shots of the guys as well. But, oh how many times this isn’t the case – the girls are running late, hair and make-up’s taking longer than expected, someone hasn’t turned up – there’s so many reasons and, sadly, something has to give – it’ll either be the bridal shots or the shots of the guys or, if we’re really unlucky with time, both.

But, no such problems today and it feels like we’ve got bundles of time (which we have) to do all the bridal shots before I head off to The Vu to catch up with the guys. And that pretty much sets the tone for the whole day really…loads of time, no pressure to get all the shots done, everyone having a great time…and one very relaxed photographer :-). And, if I may say so, I think it really shows in the images as well.

Here’s today’s cast list:

Venue: The Vu
Dress: Made Online
Flowers: Beckys Flowers, Bathgate
Make up: Katie Dixon Nails and Beauty, Bathgate
Hair: Eva Morrison Hairdressing
Cake: Boombastic Bakery
Piper: Gordon MacDonald
DJ: Coasters

Marie & Thomas, thank you for choosing me to photograph your wedding day…one of the best this year so far. Hope you like the images and here’s just a few of my own personal favourites below.

Please all feel free to leave a comment or two at the bottom of the post as it’s always very much appreciated. And, what would be really great, is a “Like” on my Facebook page as it’s always fantastic to get new people on board.


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