Edinburgh Wedding Photography:
Briana & Brett at Dundas Castle

First of a double header of weddings this weekend, kicking off in Edinburgh, South Queensferry to be precise (Dundas Castle to be even more precise) with Briana & Brett. Dundas Castle is a fantastic venue, offering plenty of opportunities for great wedding photography, so naturally, I’m really pleased the guys chose me to photograph their big day.

It wasn’t too long ago that we did the guys’ pre-wedding shoot and we got some great images that day, so I knew today was going to be a good one! Weather wise, it’s not too bad – little bit grey and overcast but thankfully no rain, and do I detect a bit of a chill in the air as I left the house this morning – autumn’s here it would seem!

Guys, you all looked fantastic today, especially Briana – Brett, did I overhear you say something like “Oh my god” or “Oh wow” (something like that, the video will confirm I’m sure) as you first saw Briana walking towards you at the ceremony? Well, I think everyone there shared your thoughts.

Great day all round and, of course, at this time of year, there’s some great shots to be had when the light starts to fade and the spotlights come on. Here’s just a few of my personal favourites. The full set can be found over in the online gallery (password required).

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  • Meg ReidOctober 24, 2012 - 9:43 pm

    Fabulous pictures!!ReplyCancel

  • Mike Cook PhotographyOctober 24, 2012 - 9:53 pm

    Thanks Meg, really pleased you like them.ReplyCancel

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