Wedding Photography at Ingliston Country Club Deborah & Ross

Deborah & Ross’s wedding in the middle of June was quite a rarity for me…in that for the first time in a few weeks, it was the only wedding I had over that weekend! Lately, especially at this time of the year, I seem to find myself with two, sometimes three, weddings across the weekend…not that I’m complaining of course, although I am now making a conscious effort to limit myself to just one wedding per weekend…best laid plans and all that :-)…we’ll see how that goes!

This was only my second ever wedding at the fabulous Ingliston Country Club, and when I say “fabulous”, I really do mean that…such a unique venue with the stables and all that and, as a wee bonus, we were also even allowed into the grounds of the “big house” with it’s lake and the like…amazing spot for photography!

Deborah & Ross, it was a great honour to photograph your fabulous wedding day. Here’s just a few of my own favourites which I hope you like – click on any image below to view big! 

Please all feel free to leave a comment at the bottom, as I love to know what you think…cheers all!

And, if you would like to know more about my wedding day “ninja style” approach to how I shoot weddings, just click here.

Mike :-).



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