Was back in beautiful but chilly Linlithgow a few days ago, this time to shoot Laura & Scott’s pre-wedding shoot. I can’t say much about Linlithgow that I haven’t said already in numerous other blog posts, so I won’t :-), only to say there are plenty of good locations here for a wide variety of shots. But boy was there a biting wind!!!
I’d shot Laura’s sister Leanne’s wedding to Darren at Gean House back in 2012 and the guys booked me off the back of that, so I’m very much looking forward to their wedding at my local venue, Glenbervie House, come April, although I do hope it’s a touch warmer come the day! That all said, this day was all about the pre-wedding shoot and trying out a few things ahead of the wedding day, even some flash-lit shots to create, dare I say, a “dark moody” feel. So here’s the thing, whichever shots the guys are not so keen on, and there will be some I’m sure, well, we just don’t do them come the wedding day…simples! Win-win all round :-).
Laura & Scott, a big thank you for going along with everything on the shoot and I hope you liked the images. Here’s just a few of my favourites – just click on any thumbnail to start the viewer.
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Stunning photographs