Tag Archives: newmains

Glasgow Wedding Photography:
Michelle & David at St. Brigid’s Church

You’ve gotta love the good old British weather! One day it’s this and another day it’s that. Feels like this summer there’s been more “that” than “this”, “that” of course being rain. To be fair, I’d been quite lucky this wedding season with the weather – even on days where rain was predicted, I somehow seemed to dodge it, or it did indeed rain but while everyone was sitting down for dinner. Well today folks, my luck ran out.

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    Tel : 01324 557977

    Mob : 07824 380674

    Email : mike@mcookphotography.co.uk

    Office Hours :

    Monday to Friday - 9.00am to 3.00pm

    Monday & Wednesday - 8.30pm to 10.00pm (meetings only, no phone calls please)