Category Archives: Portraits

Mike’s Christmas Offer #2:
The “Memories” Voucher

So guys, hot on the heels of yesterday’s little Christmas offering, I have one more for you today if you’re stuck for an Xmas pressie for someone special.

How about sorting them out with a fabulous portrait session that they can take any time they wish. And, here’s the great thing, it can be whatever they want it to be, so it really does suit everyone. The options are endless – it could be a family portrait session, one of the kids perhaps, teenagers, couples, how about something a little more fashion orientated for the girls (and the guys :-)), or even something with a theme – it really can be whatever they want it to be. And, as we all know, there’s nothing better than looking back at old pictures, so just think of all the memories they’ll create for themselves, as well as having a lot of fun at the time as well!

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    Mike’s Christmas Offer #1:
    All Wrapped Up!

    Yes folks, it’s that time of year when the word “Christmas” starts to enter the fray – you see it sneaking up on you in shops, in magazines, on TV…everywhere in fact. So, here at Mike Cook Photography, I’ve got something for you that might just tick a few boxes when it comes to that age old question – “now, what can we buy mum & dad?”, “what can we get for the grandparents?” etc…you know the feeling!

    So, here’s a thought; how about a beautiful framed print of you and your family, all wrapped up and ready to go. Photographs are timeless, and there to be enjoyed for years to come, so why not give the ones you love something really special this year. Sounds interesting? Here’s the offer…

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      Mini Portrait Session:
      14th April 2013, Callendar Park, Falkirk

      Today, I’m launching the first of what I hope will be many “mini portrait sessions”. The first of these is to be held at Callendar Park in Falkirk on Sunday 14th April, but I’ll be looking to hold more around and about the central belt in months to come. So, if you’re looking for a family portrait, pictures of the kids or simply some great shots for yourself, without spending all day long getting them, this could be the thing for you. Here’s a little Q&A to provide more details.

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        Jack Frost Nipping At Your Nose:
        A Spot of Children’s Photography in Falkirk

        Been a while since I took any new pics of Matthew, having been so busy with wedding season and that, so thought it about time to put that right. So, quick trip to Callendar Park this morning, armed with new scarf, hat, gloves and football. Matthew’s never been an easy subject to shoot – certainly won’t stand and pose that’s for sure, so always best with him just to let him do “his thing”, stand well back and, well, shoot.

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          Baby, It’s Cold Outside:
          An Indoor/Outdoor Family Portrait Session

          You know, I don’t do nearly enough as much portrait work as I would like. And I was thinking the other day about why that is. And, it struck me that it might just because I don’t advertise it on my website…dooohhh! So guys, I’ve now put that right and introduced two very different types of shoots – firstly, one for the girls, the “Covergirl Shoot”, all flashy lights and striking imagery and, secondly, the “Family Lifestyle Shoot”, on location portraits with a very natural feel. Perhaps something for the guys to follow soon – maybe a “Bond” style shoot, all cool and, well, “Bond like”.

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          • Susan guestFebruary 5, 2014 - 11:25 pm

            How much is a family portrait session?ReplyCancel

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